He can fly through the air with the greatest of ease, but can Brian Keith Patch skate on a sex charge?
Patch, 36-year-old professional skateboarder, is set to be arraigned today on a charge that he had sex with a 15-year-old girl who had run away from home.
Patch of Westminster, California, is charged with one felony count of lewd acts on a child and faces a maximum of three years in prison if convicted.
In the world of skateboarding, this guy’s a superstar. He has five X Games medals, and set a record of 58 feet for “longest air” in 2001 — a record that stood for five years.
Here’s a snip:
Patch is accused of letting the 15-year-old sleep at his house and having sex with her in his room on April 11, 2008, prosecutors said.
The girl later told her parents, who contacted police, prosecutors said.
Patch said Tuesday that he and the 15-year-old have known each other for about three years.
“We skated a lot of the same places,” he said.
While declining to comment on the allegation, Patch said that the truth will come out.
“She ran away, like, three days before,” Patch said. “She called all kinds of people looking for a place to stay. She called me. I told her I wasn’t coming home that night. I came home at two in the morning, and she was there outside my house.”
He let the girl sleep over and her father came to pick her up the next day, Patch said.
Patch says police interviewed him after the girl told her parents she was pregnant. Reportedly, he said this:
“If she’s pregnant, the cops have my DNA,” Patch said.